Future Foods

Roby Widjaja
5 min readJul 5, 2020


“We won’t need to grow plants and animals in agriculture fields for foods anymore in the future. In the future, We only need to grow its stem cells and single-cell organisms in the labs for the nutrition we need.” [ Roby Widjaja ]

Read also: A Glimpse About 7 Technologies of The Future

It is very bad news for Chefs, Restaurant Owners, and Farmers. Future human being civilization won’t need them too much. Human being civilization will only need Biologists to produce essential nutrition in the labs as foods. DNA engineering, Stem Cell Science, and Synthetic Biology will make it possible for Biologists to do it in the labs without Chefs and Farmers.

These are examples of foods we usually consume today:

Photograph source: https://unsplash.com/photos/d825JrXvun8
Photograph source: https://unsplash.com/photos/12IsagncQ7o
Photograph source: https://unsplash.com/photos/x00CzBt4Dfk

We will call those foods which are cooked by Chefs as Traditional Foods in the future. We may still eat it occasionally for recreational and nostalgia purposes only in the future just like people visiting museums. Why?

We eat foods, the ones which are cooked by chefs or mass-produced by manufacturers, three to five times daily for its nutrition. It is the nutrition contained in the foods that our biological bodies need, such as carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, etc.

With DNA Engineering, Stem Cell science, and Synthetic Biology, Biologists can produce that essential nutrition in the labs by growing plants’ or animals’ stem cells or single-cell organisms ( such as bacterias and viruses ). DNA Engineering and Synthetic Biology have made it possible for Biologists to create new species of bacteria or virus by design.

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What can Biologists do in labs, not on agriculture fields, with DNA Engineering, Stem Cell science, and Synthetic Biology to produce foods:

  1. Biologists can grow parts of plants ( for examples rice seeds or apple fruits ) and animals ( such as meats ) from its stem cells in the labs directly. To produce rice seeds or apple fruits, Biologists don’t need to plant the seeds on the agriculture fields, growing it by water and fertilizers, and harvesting the rice seeds and apple fruits. To produce consumable parts of cows, chickens, or fishes, Biologists don’t need to grow the cows, chickens, or fishes babies on the agriculture fields, growing it, and harvesting it in adult size.
  2. Biologists can produce essential nutrition ( for examples carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, etc. ) directly from stem cells of plants and animals or single-cell organisms. The essential nutrition produced in the labs can be produced in the form of rich nutrition milk powder, rich nutrition milk liquid, rich nutrition pudding, rich nutrition gels ( packaged just like toothpaste ), rich nutrition biscuit or snack bars, etc.

Both of the ways won’t involve a growing and nurturing real alive whole plants and animals process, just the stem cells.

What are the benefits of this Future Foods for human being civilization ?

  1. It will stop global deforestation process for opening new agriculture fields purpose. The existing global agriculture fields can be converted into man-made recreational forests, public recreational botanical gardens or parks, recreational zoos, etc, just like Disneyland and Universal Studio of nature.
  2. It will decrease climate change effects.
  3. 1,000 meter square lab may produce the same amount of foods that 10,000 to 1 million meter square agriculture fields can produce. It will increase the productivity of food production.
  4. It will stop poisonous pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers etc contamination on the foods we consume daily.
  5. The nutrition composition can be calculated just enough for what our biological bodies need daily. It will reduce some health problems risk, such as overweight, too high cholesterol rate in blood, hypertension, diabetes, etc.
  6. It will reduce global foods production costs drastically. It means no more hungry and lack of nutrition people in the world because they don’t have enough money to buy it.
  7. Etc.

How will Future Foods look like in the market ?

The example of Future Foods in Snack Bar form. Photograph source: https://www.otsuka.co.jp/en/nutraceutical/products/soyjoy/
The example of Future Foods in Snack Bar form. Photograph source: https://www.kalbe.co.id/products/ArtMID/456/ArticleID/461/FITBAR
The example of Future Foods in Rich Nutrition Liquid Milk form. Photograph source: https://nutrition.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Non-Dairy-Milk-S.Ferreira-2-1030x773.jpg
The example of Future Foods in Rich Nutrition Milk Powder form. Photograph source: https://i2.wp.com/urbanplatter.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/10357-01-soy-milk-powder-400g.jpg?fit=1200%2C1200&ssl=1
The example of Future Foods in Pudding form. Photograph source: https://unsplash.com/photos/WOv2t_N6iwQ
The example of Future Foods in Toothpaste form. Photograph source: https://www.evansondds.com/wp-content/uploads/A-Guide-to-Understanding-Toothpaste-Ingredients.jpg
The example of Future Foods in Biscuits or Cookies forms. Photograph source: https://unsplash.com/photos/eSFEvmcIu2w

Those 7 pictures are not the real Future Foods pictures, but the physical forms ( Snack Bar, Rich Nutrition Liquid Milk, Rich Nutrition Milk Powder, Pudding, Toothpaste, and Biscuits or Cookies ) and packagings can be used for the Future Foods physical forms and packagings.

This article was written by Roby Widjaja, an Autodidact Biologist.

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Roby Widjaja

An Independent Writer. A Thinker. 100% Shareowner, Founder, and CEO of www.imarketology.net and www.arts-of-life.com ( It’s still in development phase ).